Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Renewable Energy News

Renewable Energy News: Global warming has already reached crisis levels so the time for action on renewable energy is already upon us.

There are rapid advances taking place in scientific discovery, research, development, implementation, adoption and scaling of renewable energy sourcing and distribution.

Just as importantly, governments around the world are developing strategies, plans and legislation to support the implmentation of these advances.

Our renewable energy news/ alternative energy news/ sustainable energy news section will keep you updated with the latest happenings and developments in this area.

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is a form of energy that is produced from natural resources like wind, geo-thermal heat, sunlight, and tides. Rainwater may also be converted into energy suitable for commercial use. Renewable energy sources currently contribute to approximately 18% of total global energy consumption.

Renewable energy generating projects can be principal sources of power or act as supplementary power generating units. The alternative energy source is suitable for rural areas where transmission and distribution of energy can be expensive and even difficult. Renewable energy is particularly suitable for farmers and small businesspersons who require electrical power at certain predetermined intervals.

Renewable energies play an important role in the global commercial energy map. Alternative energy sources are employed to meet energy gaps like peaking power and base load power. The quality of supplied power from conventional sources are also improved with supplementary power generating units. Global wind power generating capacity currently stands around 100GW. Solar power plants contribute more than 2,000 MW per year.

An overwhelming renewable energy source is biomass. Biomass includes animal and plant matter, and biodegradable wastes like human excreta, manure, slaughterhouse waste and standard sewer content. Another major renewable energy source is hydro power. The scope of hydro power includes not only standard hydroelectric dams but also micro hydro systems that produce about 100kW of power. Tidal power generating units capture energy from natural tides of oceans. Turbines are used to tap the immense aquatic power source. Wave power systems generate electrical energy from ocean waves.

Biomass can be utilized to generate biofuel of great economic value. Renewable energy products like biodiesel and ethanol can be used as an energy source in boilers and internal combustion engines. Vehicle engines require no engineering modifications to accommodate the alternative fuel. Ethanol is a favorite among environmentally friendly biofuels. This chemical is manufactured by processing cornstalks, sugarcane, sugarbeets, and corn.

Renewable energy suffers from intermittent generation capability. For example, the wind required for wind power generating units may not be available at all times. The energy produced is thus stored to meet future energy demands. This system contributes to better utilization of power. All illustrative examples are the usage of solar energy in lighting public roadside lamp posts during nighttime. The different energy storage technologies are:

» Compressed air
» Batteries
» Pumped hydropower
» Superconducting magnetic energy
» Flywheels
» Super capacitors

Batteries are extremely popular for long and short term storage of electrical energy. Advanced battery technologies like lithium polymer, nickel metal hydride, and lithium ion are more efficient than common lead-acid batteries. Pumped hydropower employs off-peak electricity to pump water from a lower level reservoir to another reservoir situated at a higher elevation. The water is released when electricity generation is required. Water flowing under gravity is passed through hydraulic turbines to generate electrical power.

Oil Industry | Oil and Gas Industry | Petroleum Industry

The Oil Industry started off more than five thousand years back. Oil sipping up from the ground were used to make the boats waterproof in the Middle East and also used as medicating as well as for painting different things.

The demand for Oil was much higher than what it actually produced and this brought forward the concept of making oil production companies which is collectively known as the Oil Industry.

The Oil Industry is a very important industry in the world and a lot depends on the price of the oil and it has been observed that whenever the oil prices increase the price of various products also increases. The Oil Industry also through oil production accounts for a large amount of the consumption of energy. In this issue the Middle East is in the first position and the lowest consumption is done by the countries in Europe.

.According to the statistics the amount of oil consumed by the world every year is as many as 30 billion barrel among which nearly 25 percent of the oil consumption is done by United States of America. The Oil Industry can be parted in two, Upstream and Downstream. The importance of oil in the world evolved at a slow pace but once it was identified, it became one of the most important thing in the lives of human beings.

Oil Industry Statistics : The oil sector is considered to be one of the important areas of concern for the

It has acted as a challenge before the global economic scenario. There is fast growing oil consumption in the non- Asian countries.

The non-OECD Asia (Including both India and China) accounts for around 40 percent of the total increase in world oil use. From estimation it is found that to meet the projected increase in world oil demand the total petroleum supply in 2030 is required to reach 118 million barrels per day from 80 million barrels per day as of the year 2003.

The world oil consumption has increased by 1.2 million barrels per day in the year 2005, even after the increase of 2.6 million barrels per day as in the year 2004.

In the year 2004, China's oil use have increased by 0.9 million barrels per day and at the same time its demand increased by only 0.4 million barrels per day in 2005.

Among the various sectors, the transportation sector in the world has led to a high pressure to the industry, as there are few alternatives to the petroleum.

Oil & Gas Journal in its report has shown that world oil reserves estimated at 1,293 billion barrels as of January 1, 2006.
Further Resources

Gain Free access to reports previously only available to Governments and select Intelligence agencies. These reports are part of the Intelligence Newsletter that focuses on: Geopolitics, Economics, Energy Issues, Conflicts, Crude Oil, Gold & Many other topics. Their information is sourced through a wide network of contacts and is not available from traditional news outlets and data providers.

Renewable Energy Jobs: Careers in Renewable, Alternative, Sustainable Energy and Green Tech

Careers and Employment Opportunities in Renewable, Alternative and Sustainable Energy

Gone are the days when a career in the renewable energy sector looked bleak. Today job opportunities in the renewable energy industry have grown. Countries such as Spain, Germany and the US are all set to provide more employment opportunities in the renewable energy segment.

In a climate of surging fuel prices, environmental and health concerns, the growth of the renewable energy sector worldwide is poised for tremendous growth. Be it for white collar, blue collar, experienced or newcomers, the current trend of 'capping carbon' with renewable energy sources will blitz ahead to propel improved job opportunities.

The US is poised to usher in an energy revolution that will reap rich dividends for almost one-tenth of its workforce in the renewable energy sector. This conclusion is adapted from the new report released by the University of Amherst-Massachusetts titled 'Job Opportunities for the Green Economy.'

This in-depth report tracks the extent of growing job opportunities in the US for more than 35 categories of professionals, such as train operators, software engineers, truck drivers, roofers, civil engineers, machinists and sheet metal workers.

Germany provides about 25,000 direct as well as indirect jobs in the wind energy segment. Spain has expanded its renewable energy sector rapidly in recent years. Currently, Spain employs nearly 89,000 persons in its wind power and solar PV sectors, while around 99,000 employees are hired indirectly. Another growing leader in the renewable energy segment is Denmark, although job opportunities have been dwindling in recent times.

A significant study titled 'Impact of renewables on employment and economic growth' took place in 1998-99 for the European Commission. This study estimates that labor intensive employment opportunities will grow and more than 900,000 new jobs will come up by the year 2020. For the agricultural and manufacturing sectors, job gains will be optimum. This will also mean a loss of 2% workforce for the conventional energy supply industry. The employment opportunities for countries such as Germany, France, Spain, Greece and Italy will grow tremendously.

In 2001, an international study on solar generation was carried out by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association and Greenpeace International. This study estimated that more than 2 million jobs will be generated across the globe and nearly 78,000 jobs will be generated in Australia alone by 2020.

The 2008 report on the 'Preparatory Conference for the Foundation of the IRENA' clearly stated that 2.4 million jobs were created in the global renewable energy sector in 2007. The segments comprising plant construction and maintenance, financial services, industrial production and agriculture were specifically marked as the potential arenas for employment opportunities in the renewable sector.

To conclude, as the global renewable energy industry continues to grow and transform into a world-class sector, job opportunities will be brighter and more rewarding than ever.

Fossil Fuels, Types of Fossil Fuel, Fossil Fuel Energy, Use of Fossil Fuel

Fossil fuels are produced from animals and plants that were living 300 million years back.

Oil, gas, and coal are the common examples of fossil fuels. The term "fossil fuel" is used to describe these fuels because their source dates back to the prehistoric period. These fuels are mostly obtained in the form of deposits under the earth. Fossil fuels have chemical energy stored within them. When these fuels are burnt, the stored energy gets released and serves the purpose. Fossil fuels are used to meet around 85% of the total energy requirement of the world.
Origin of Fossil Fuels: An Overview

The biogenic theory gives an idea about the origin of fossil fuels. Algae and zooplankton that settled under the water bodies like sea or huge lake in the prehistoric period are the main source of petroleum. Anoxic conditions are required for the formation of petroleum. On the other hand, terrestrial plants that died in prehistoric period are the main source of coal.

Use of Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels assume huge importance in the energy scenario of the world. Oil alone meets around 40% of the total requirement of energy. The distillate fuels derived from crude oil are extensively used for transportation, cooking, industrial production and many other purposes. Heating oil, turbo-jet fuel, kerosene, and diesel are some of the examples of distillate fuels. Fossil fuels constitute the chief sources of electrical energy. The thermal power plants make use of coal for power generation. The power plants that use coal contribute 50% of the total demand of energy across the world.
Supply Constraint of Fossil Fuels

Unlike the renewable forms of energy, the sources of fossil fuels are limited. Owing to the increased demand of fossil fuels, world is going to face fuel crisis in future. This is the reason as to why the demand for renewable energy is increasing over the years. Efforts are also on to reduce the use of fossil fuels in order to check the emissions of greenhouse gases.

Energy Saving Products, Energy Saving Appliances

How to Save Energy at Home with Appliances that Reduce Energy Consumption

“Energy saving” is the new buzz word. The cause is supported not only by environmental consciousness, but also by the fact that energy saving products can drastically lower utility bills.

Energy conservation makes sense in more ways than one. We help stretch out the oil reserves for a much longer time, we help the environment by reducing greenhouse emissions, we lower the adverse impact of pollution on our heath and we save on utility expenses. While the initial cost associated with energy saving products can be higher, this is more than made up for over time through a reduction in energy bills. The only obstacle to energy efficiency in homes today is the lack of information. There is so much that one can do to make their homes energy efficient and, therefore, homes that raise the lowest utility bills.

To further the cause of saving energy, the US Environmental Protection Agency joined hands with the US Department of Energy (DoE) in 1992 to launch the Energy Star program. The government estimates that in 2007 alone, Energy Star helped people across the nation save up to $16 billion in utility bills and decrease greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the emissions from 27 million cars. Energy Star, which proposes energy efficient solutions for homes and businesses, estimates a reduction of almost a third of a home’s energy expenses without the family having to sacrifice any aspect of the current lifestyle.

Energy Star certifies products in more than 50 categories. It also provides energy efficient solutions for remodeling or renovating homes. And when looking for a new house, there are Energy Star guidelines that one can check to determine the energy saving quotient of a particular home. Energy Star also offers a Home Energy Yardstick online to check your home’s energy efficiency.

Here are the broad categories of energy saving products for the home:

Heating and cooling: This category makes up for up to 50% of the utility bill. Hence, by using energy saving products an average American family can save approximately $1,000 per annum. The category includes air-source heat pumps, central air conditioners, dehumidifiers and ceiling fans.

Home electronics: One can save circa 15% of the utility bill by using energy saving products that fall under this category. This category includes battery chargers, DVD players, home theatre systems, televisions, and external power adapters.

Roof products: According to the site, Americans spend about $40 billion every year to air condition buildings. This represents more than 15% of all the electricity generated in the US. Roofs that are reflective and allow for proper insulation can reduce energy bills associated with heating and cooling.

Appliances: Energy saving products that fall under this category could use 10%-50% less energy than regular products. This category includes washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, water coolers and dehumidifiers.

Lighting: This category includes compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and energy saving ceiling fans and light fixtures. According to the site, if the five most frequently used light fixtures/ bulbs is replaced by energy saving ones in every American home, the country would save almost $8 billion per annum in energy costs and prevent pollution equal to that caused by nearly ten million cars.

Here are some energy saving tips for your home:

    * Install a programmable thermostat and ensure that it is set to a comfortable level rather than too high or too low. The house won’t get heated any faster if the thermostat is set at a higher than needed level.
    * Replace furnace filters and service compressors regularly.
    * Check the insulation level of every part of your house, from the attic to behind switch plates. If necessary, upgrade the insulation of the house. This onetime expense can save you hundreds of dollars in the long run.
    * Set all heating and cooling equipment to the “energy save” mode.
    * Weatherproof your house, from window glazing to using caulk to seal all air leaks.
    * Set your water heater to about 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a comfortable temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold. Taking showers rather than baths will help conserve water while saving on the energy used to heat more water.
    * Check the instructions of your washing machine and dish washer. Use them only for full loads. Air drying dishes rather than using the dryer will go a long way in saving energy.
    * Use cold water to wash your clothes and dishes. Cold water is actually better for garments.
    * Switch off appliances when not in use. Computers should also be turned off till the next time you use them. Use power strips to avoid appliances drawing electricity while in the standby mode.
    * Motion detectors, dimmers and timers could also be installed to save electricity.
    * Use smaller appliances wherever possible.
    * Make sure your refrigerator door is never left open for too long. Check the temperature setting and do not overcool your refrigerator.

A good way to start replacing regular products with energy saving products is to conduct a survey of the available products and their respective prices and then choose the ones that you need before you actually go out and buy them. The Consortium of Energy Efficiency (CEE) also provides certification for energy efficient appliances. If you are looking to buy a washing machine or dish washer, check for the CEE logo.

Using alternative sources of energy, such as biofuel, for your car and heating equipment will also enhance the energy efficiency of your home. Making changes at home to save energy does not entail huge costs. Neither does it mean that the family has to sacrifice any comforts. All one has to do is learn more about how the house can become more energy efficient and then see the difference it makes to the utility bills. Energy saving does pay off in more ways than one!

Energy saving companies, Power Energy saving companies, Economy Watch

Energy saving companies specialize in offering energy efficient solutions to the customers. The products and services offered by energy saving companies are designed to ensure efficient use of energy and bring about favorable changes in the climatic conditions.

Energy saving companies put stress on use of renewable sources of energy. With their experienced group of professionals, these companies carry out a number of research and development programs to evolve energy efficient solutions. The solutions offered by energy saving companies utilize latest technologies to minimize the requirement of energy and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. This in turn has positive effects like reduction of electricity consumption and addition to the long-term savings of the consumers.
Products and Services of Energy Saving Companies at a Glance

The products and services of energy saving companies are provided in accordance with the International Energy Efficiency Standards. Energy saving bulbs, fans, water heaters, motion sensors, and power factor correction facilities are some of the major products offered by energy saving companies. Some of these companies provide the customers with recycled products. The specialty of the solutions offered by energy saving companies lies in their customized formats. Professionals of these companies design the products as per the clients’ requirements.

Some of the leading energy saving companies that operate in the global market are listed below:

   1. Asian Electronics
   2. AsiaNet PE Systems Limited
   3. Caterlines
   4. Easun reyrolle Ltd
   5. Energetics
   6. Enervent Oy
   7. Firenix Technologies Pvt. Ltd
   8. Gazpro
   9. Micro-Ceramic Gmbh
  10. New Horizon Technologies
  11. Ontario Energy Savings L.P.
  12. Kyung kee inc
  14. Century sunshine technology co., limited,
  15. Energy savings group
  16. Edmonds pty ltd,
  17. The myriad group
  18. Eks hotel equipments
  19. K-lite industries
  20. Elektroplast as,
  21. Nvision company limited
  22. Energi works,
  23. Energy saving company
  24. Energy planning services inc,
  25. Ahead innovations pte ltd
  26. Fasten group imp.&exp. co., ltd.,
  27. All sun shield window film
  28. Firstwood technology pte ltd,
  29. Antonio lopez garrido s.a.
  30. Hua yue electronic factory,
  31. Asia electric technologies
  32. Hurricane supplies,
  33. Autocell electronics, inc.,
  34. Ihp international heating products ab,
  35. Nanner commercial electrical appliance co., ltd.,
  36. Inno synergy pte ltd,

Energy saving companies offers specialized solutions both for the individual and industrial clients. The complimentary Energy Audit service provided by these companies helps the clients to keep a check on their energy consumption. The solar power and wind power solutions are designed to ensure conformity with the sustainable energy policy. Energy saving companies also focus on internal carbon mitigation.

Energy Jobs, Energy Careers

Energy jobs offer a wide range of opportunities to white collar employees (engineers and scientists) and to blue collar workers (miners and drillers).

Energy careers cover the following sectors:

    * Oil and gas
    * Coal
    * Renewable energy
    * Nuclear energy
    * Electric power

Energy Jobs: Who Are Eligible to Apply

Job seekers with the following skills can apply for energy jobs:

    * An aptitude for science and engineering.

    * Strong mathematical skills.

    * Flexibility in thinking and traveling.

    * Keen to travel or re-locate to remote locations.

    * Physical and mental fitness.

    * Physical and mental adaptability to withstand and sustain work pressures, particularly in extreme environments.

    * Sound technical knowledge.

    * Ability and confidence to train, manage and mentor teams.

Energy Jobs: Main Types of Job Profiles

Suitable fields in the energy sector include:

Exploration and Production: It involves hunting for and developing hydrocarbons. Key job profiles in this field are:

    * Geoscientists

    * Reservoir and drilling engineers

    * Landman

    * Oil and gas marketers

Power and Utility: This field involves developing plants for generating power. Key job profiles include:

    * Project developers and managers

    * Plant operators and engineers

    * Power distributors

Refining and Marketing: It involves the conversion of crude oil into salable products such as jet fuel, gasoline and motor oil and their distribution. Basic designations in this field include:

    * Oil traders

    * Energy retail marketers

    * Operations engineers

Engineering, Procurement and Construction: The field involves designing and building the apparatus that facilitates the production and distribution of energy products. These facilities construct pipelines, refineries and generating stations. Key job profiles in the field are:

    * Project managers

    * Construction superintendents

    * Design engineers

    * Negotiators

Service and Equipment: This involves activities such as geophysical processing, construction of wells, reservoir analysis and logging. Numerous opportunities are available for:

    * Engineers

    * Geophysicists

    * Project managers

Chemical and Petrochemical: The field involves refining crude products into resins, chemicals and plastics. Job opportunities are available for:

    * Engineers

    * Chemists

    * Marketers

Information Technology (IT): In IT, job opportunities await professionals with relevant industry experience in installation, development and implementation of computer applications and systems.

Energy jobs also include miscellaneous professional services such as accounting, finance, marketing, refining, risk management and strategy development.

Energy Industry

The energy industry is primarily controlled, and governed by leading countries like USA, France, Russia, China and India. The energy industry comprise of energy sources like biomass, electricity, hydrogen, hydro power, natural gas, coal, nuclear power, petroleum, solar power and power wind. The energy industry is principally dependent on fossil fuel energy sources. Energy industry encompasses all the associated sub industries like petroleum industry, gas industry, electrical power industry, nuclear power industry, and unconventional energy industry.

Petroleum industry: The major components of this industry are petroleum refiners, oil companies, fuel transport and selling at gas stations.

Gas industry: This industry comprise of activities like coal gas manufacturing, natural gas extraction, distribution and sales

Electrical power industry: The associated activities of electrical power industry include electric power distribution, electricity generation, and sales. The other major two industry components are coal industry and nuclear power industry. Most of the leading countries are emphasizing on nuclear power energy sector, as it can be regarded as the future energy sources. Some alternative energy and sustainable energy sources comprise of wind energy sources and solar energy sources.

Economical perspective of energy industry

The petrochemical industry can be regarded as the most emerging energy businesses industry in the coming years and due to high earning probability, world's leading countries are showing their interest to invest in this petrochemical energy sector. Industrialists are trying to innovate ways to adapt fuels for power generation and they are searching for alternative energy resources like energy derived from agricultural food, crops, agricultural crop wastes and residues, and geothermal energy.
Environmental impact on energy industry

The impact on environment is a prime concern to be considered, as the energy industries are generating a large amount of pollutants in the environment like toxic gases (carbon di-oxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide etc.) and greenhouse gases from fuel combustion and nuclear wastes and residues from nuclear power station. These pollutants can cause severe health hazards to the public.

Energy Efficiency - Energy Efficiency Program, Energy Efficient Products

The concept of energy efficiency has gained substantial importance in the recent times. The supply constraint of fossil fuels makes the strategies for energy efficiency all the more important. Conservation of energy is the main prerequisite for energy efficiency. Use of alternative or renewable sources of energy is also crucial in the context of energy efficiency.
Energy Efficiency Measures: An Overview

There are several measures that support the initiatives of improved energy efficiency. Use of energy-saving industrial appliances is quite helpful for conservation of energy. A number of energy-efficient lighting, equipments, and high-efficiency motors have come up in the recent times. All these devices are designed in such a way that the requirement of energy would be quite low while running them. The added advantage with the energy-saving appliances is that they are environment-friendly and thereby help in keeping the pollution level low.

Over the years, different policies have been implemented to promote the ideas of energy efficiency. Among the major energy efficiency policies enhanced building code, industrial energy efficiency measures, federal appliance and equipment efficiency standards, and tax incentives are worth mentioning.

More on Energy-Efficient Appliances

Energy saving bulbs are widely used forms of energy-saving appliances. These bulbs give the same amount of light output using significantly low units of electricity. This in turn reduces the electricity bill and saves money for the consumers. The ‘A’ rated electrical appliances are considered to be energy-efficient.

Proper insulation is of utmost to ensure energy efficiency. Insulation if made in the right way reduces the requirement of fuel for heating purpose. Before going for any insulating measure, it is always good to take advice from the Energy Efficiency Advice Center operating in the locality.

Use of biofuels, biodiesel, biogas, and geothermal energy for cooking and transportation purposes come in handy to support the policies of energy efficiency.

A general awareness needs to be developed among the common mass to cut down dependence on fossil fuels and ensure efficient use of energy.

Energy Economy - Resources, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy

One of the major aspects of energy economy is the efficient utilization and proper development of energy sources available in the world. The optimal production and consumption of energy is at the core of an efficient energy economy. The important aspects of energy economy are - environmental concerns, industry behavior and public regulatory policies pertaining to energy.

Energy remains a key factor in the functioning of economies around the world. Hence the global energy economy has a huge influence on governments and the economic policies undertaken by them. From electricity to transportation, energy is major factor in almost all industrial initiatives of an economy. The cost of energy resources are a major determinant of price levels in an economy. The increasing demand of energy in the world would lead to price rise in all sectors of the global economy. Companies utilizing alternative energy sources are helping to create a more sustainable energy economy.

Major initiatives have been undertaken to build up a sustainable energy economy across the globe. TSEC (Towards a Sustainable Energy Economy) have initiated programs to this end. Some of these are -
    * Addressing the major issues in nuclear fission power.
    * UKREC (UK Energy Research Centre) - energy research in UK and international collaboration.
    * Research on systems approach for carbon management and renewables.
    * Managing the challenges of a sustainable energy economy.

      The program - 'Towards a Sustainable Energy Economy' received a funding of £28m. This fund was shared by the three research councils EPSRC, ESRC and NERC.

      In recent years, building up a clean energy economy has been a major focus area. The objective of clean energy economy is to tackle the environmental issues related to the production and consumption of energy. In the United States, studies have showed that investing in clean energy would lead to creation of more jobs in the country. In Iowa, 52,000 manufacturing jobs were created by the proper utilization of wind energy. Transition to a clean energy economy requires proper regulatory measures on the part of the governments of different countries.
      Some of the major initiatives that need to be taken to build up a clean energy economy are:
          o Controlling greenhouse gas pollution. Greenhouse gas pollution should be reduced by 15% by the year 2020 and by 80% by the years 2050.
          o New treaties related to climate and environment concerns should be introduced among different countries in the world.
          o Creation of a fund for new energy economy.
          o Meeting the demand for electricity through efficient use and distribution rather than by producing more electricity.

Further Resources Gain Free access to reports previously only available to Governments and select Intelligence agencies. These reports are part of the Intelligence Newsletter that focuses on: Geopolitics, Economics, Energy Issues, Conflicts, Crude Oil, Gold & Many other topics. Their information is sourced through a wide network of contacts and is not available from traditional news outlets and data providers.

Coal Industry, World Coal Industry

From the 1980s to the early 21st century, the global coal industry succeeded in increasing hard coal production by 97%. However, most of the coal produced is used for domestic consumption and only 15% of the production reaches the global coal market.
Coal Industry: Production

In 2006, the total production of the global coal industry stood at 6,152 million tons (MT). Of this, the production of hard coal stood at 5,205 MT and that of brown coal was pegged at 937 MT. In 2007, the production of hard coal and brown coal rose to 5,543 MT and 945 MT, respectively. The production of brown coal rose by 0.85% in 2007, with Germany being the largest producer. Brown coal is used primarily for the generation of electricity.

According to the British Petroleum statistical survey, the market share of the prominent coal producers of the world in 2006 was pegged at:

    * China - 38.4%

    * USA - 17%

    * India - 7.2%

    * Australia - 6%

    * Russia - 5%

World Coal Industry: Reserves

The United States Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimated the world coal reserves at 998 billion short tons. As per the findings of the World Coal Institute, coal reserves are expected to last for a period of 133 years at the current production rate. Coal reserves are available almost across the globe. The world’s largest coal reserves are in the USA, Russia, Australia, China, India and South Africa. At the end of 2006, their respective shares in global coal reserves were estimated at:

    * USA - 27.1%

    * Russia - 17.3%

    * China - 12.6%

    * India - 10.2%

    * Australia - 8.6%

Coal Industry: Consumption Trends

In 2007, coal catered to 26% of the global energy needs and almost 41% of the global electricity requirements. Coal is also used for producing heat through combustion. At the current consumption rate, the coal reserves are sufficient to generate electricity for a period of 300 years. Countries such as Poland, South Africa, Australia, China and Israel depend primarily on coal for their electricity generation. The contribution of coal in their total electricity generation is as follows:

    * Poland - 93%

    * South Africa - 93%

    * Australia - 93%

    * China - 78%

    * Israel - 71%

Approximately, 17% of the total hard coal production is used by the steel industry. Nearly 70% of the global steel production depends on coal.

Aggressive research is being undertaken to increase efficiency in the coal industry, with focus on new strategies for gasification and CO2 capture. These efforts are aimed primarily at reducing the carbon content and greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming.

Biodiesel, Making Biodiesel at home, Biodiesel expansion equipment

The word biodiesel is used to refer to a sort of diesel fuel that is not petroleum based. It consists of short chain alkyl esters. The short chain alkyl esters that mostly make up the biodiesels are either ethyl or methyl.

Biodiesel is manufactured by transesterifying either the animal fat or vegetable oil in automobiles that are driven by diesel that is not modified. The particular constituent is either used alone or it is combined with petrodiesel. Biodiesel is different from straight vegetable oil which is also known as waste vegetable oil, pure plant oil and unwashed biodiesel.

G. Chavanne of the University of Brussels in Belgium was provided with the Belgian Patent 422877 on the 31st of August, 1937 for transforming vegetable oils into fuels. This can be considered to be the origin of the biodiesels. Biodiesels may be used in their purest form B100. Biodiesels may also be combined with petrodiesel in any amount as far as the present day diesel engines are concerned. The solvent properties of biodiesel are different from that of petrodiesel.

In the recent times the use of biodiesels has gone up on a phenomenal rate. A number of fueling stations are providing consumers in Europe with instant biodiesel. The demand of biodiesel has also gone up in Canada and the United States of America.

A number of transport fleets are also using biodiesels in the form of additives in their regular fuels. One of the major features of biodiesel is that it is costlier than petrodiesel. However, the experts are of the opinion that the prices of biodiesels would be coming down pretty soon as lot of agricultural subsidies are now being provided and the costs of petroleum are rising as a result of reduction of oil reserves.

DaimlerChrysler introduced the Jeep Liberty CRD diesel in the United States market in 2005. This diesel had 5% biodiesel in it and this was an acknowledgment of the fact that biodiesel was gaining some ground as far as recognition from the major automobile makers. British business giant Richard Branson has also used biodiesel in the Virgin Voyager Train which is called Thames Voyager and has the number 220007. This train is supposed to have 20% biodiesel and 80% petrodiesel. It is being claimed that the train would be able to save up to 14% as far as direct emissions are concerned. Biodiesels are also being used in aircrafts nowadays.

Alternative Energy, Fossil Fuel Alternative, Renewable Energy Guide

A fuel that is used as an alternative to a fossil fuel is known as alternative energy. The term normally implies that the alternative energy fuels are basically not traditional fuels and also have lesser impact on the environment. The term may be used in order to differentiate from the fossil fuels, while they are also used in an interchangeable way with the term renewable energy. There are various definitions of the term alternative energy.

As per the Oxford Dictionary alternative energy may be defined as the energy that is fuelled in a way that is not harmful for the environment and does not eat up enormous amounts of natural resources. According to the Princeton WordNet alternative energy is a form that is extracted from sources which do not affect the environment in a negative way or consume substantial amount of natural resources.

According to Responding to Climate Change 2007 alternative energy is a form of energy that is drawn from the untraditional sources of energy like winds, compressed natural gases, hydroelectricity and solar sources. The Natural Resources Defense Council opines that alternative energy is one, which is peripheral and is more environment-friendly compared to other types of fuels like fossil fuels. In the respect of environment-friendliness the alternative energy forms are similar to wind energy and solar energy.

The Materials Management Services opines that the alternative energy is another name for sources of fuel that have not been extracted from fossil fuels. As per the definition provided by them alternative energy can also be used as an alternative for the renewable energy forms. Some of the common examples of alternative energy are wind energy, wave energy, solar energy, tidal energy and biomass. Nowadays there are various sites that are providing the latest information on the various forms of alternative energy.